Why is my email not being archived?

Conditions for an email to be met.
Updated on 06. August 2021 0 users liked this article

1. Initial situation

Archived folders

Please note that only defined folders are archived. This is the inbox, the sent folder and all of your own folders. For example, the trash and drafts are not archived.

Your mailbox is archived by Seabix mail archive and you have set that all mails are removed from the mailbox after X months. Individual older emails remained in the mailbox. Why is that?

2. Exceptions

If the following conditions are met, an email is not archived, it remains in the inbox and cannot be found in the archive.

condition description
Email size The maximum email size is defined here. Larger mails can only occur if they were sent internally. Due to a technical limitation, these cannot be archived. Use fileshare, for example, to send links to these files instead of large files.
mark When an email is marked for follow-up, it will not be archived until it is deselected.

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