How do I deactivate my Network Security VPN Client

Instructions for deactivating the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client
Updated on 06. December 2021 0 users liked this article

1. Initial situation

In order to be able to use the license of the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client on a new system or to reactivate it correctly after an upgrade, it must be deactivated. To do this, proceed as described below.

2. Procedure



After deactivating the license, the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client is no longer functional. The LANCOM Advanced VPN Client retains the license data until it is uninstalled. After you have deactivated the VPN client, you can still look up the license data in the deactivated VPN client (under Help -> License info and activation), save it or reactivate the VPN client directly.

Decision Tree
Select the deactivation method you want. For activation after license updates, please select "Deactivation without client deinstallation". After deactivation, follow this article if you want to reactivate the license.
  • Deaktivierung bei Client Deinstallation
  • Deaktivierung ohen Client Deinstallation
  • Add Button

1. If you uninstall an activated LANCOM Advanced VPN Client from your system, you will receive the following message at the beginning of the uninstallation:

2. Click the Yes button to start the Deactivation Wizard.

3. Start the deactivation process with the Next button.

4. Enter your data in the following dialog. Your name and email address are mandatory. A company name can optionally be specified.

5. If the license data has been successfully transferred to the activation server, this is indicated with a message.

6. Following successful license deactivation, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link and the license data of the deactivated license.

7. Click on the link in the confirmation email to complete the deactivation.

1. In the Help menu, click on the Deactivate client menu item.

2. Start the deactivation process with the Next button.

3. Enter your data in the following dialog. Your name and email address are mandatory. A company name can optionally be specified.

4. If the license data has been successfully transferred to the activation server, this is indicated with a message.

5. Following successful license deactivation, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link and the license data of the deactivated license.

6. Click on the link in the confirmation email to complete the deactivation.

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